Safety & Well-being
Our air-conditioned health center is the physical hub of all first aid and medical needs.
The rocking-chair porch is the triage base for band-aids, medical assessments, and reassuring hugs, where our RNs keep everyone informed — Counselors know they must always have one of our nurses evaluate any situation that could potentially need medical attention — whether it is a splinter or a fever onset or an isolated mishap.
On-site nurses also have a local pediatrician on call as a resource. All lifeguards and all leadership team members hold certifications in American Red Cross First Aid and Responding to Emergencies, as well as CPR.
Other emergency preparedness includes an advanced walkie talkie protocol throughout the property. Staff members are trained in Epipen procedures and in identifying allergic reactions. Medical routines are practiced and reviewed with the staff by our professional nursing team.
The nurses function with full transparency and keep parents informed of any treatment requiring more than a band-aid! The health center also is equipped with a resting bay.
We comply with every policy and recommendation of the New York State Department of Health, as well as with Nassau County regulations. State guidance and local health department directives guide our best practices policies, and our communication protocols between camp and camp families is transparent and rigorous.
A state-of-the-art sophisticated lightning alert system tracks thunderstorms and atmospheric predictions in the vicinity.
Staff are trained in emergency procedures and guidelines, and campers know and practice protocols. In the unlikely event of a community crisis, we have systems in place to keep families up-to-date; communication with families is our highest priority, following the safekeeping of your children.

Coleman Country is one of approximately 2,500 camps nationwide accredited by the American Camp Association. The rigorous standards for accreditation exceed those required by the Nassau County Department of Health and the New York State Department of Health.
Over the years, the Coleman family have been deeply involved in ACA leadership roles – nationally and locally – along with holding memberships in related peer groups, such as the New York State Camp Directors Association and the local New York-New Jersey Chapter of the ACA.
ACA is the only independent accrediting organization in the country reviewing camp operations. ACA’s nationally recognized standards focus primarily on the health, safety, and risk management aspects of a camp’s practices. Its accreditation is administered through a peer-review process. ACA collaborates with experts from the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Red Cross, and other youth-serving agencies to assure that current policies at the camp reflect the most up-to-date, research-based standards in camp management.
Additionally, certifications in all fields are held by staff and leadership in every program area where a certification exists. Facilities such as the challenge course also are inspected regularly.
ACA accreditation is a parent’s best assurance that the camp is compliant with more than 300 standards of operation.