Personalized Programming
Elective programming (X-Factor and Selective for 3rd graders and above, along with Club) offers loads of choices for sports enthusiasts at the highest level. For those who can’t get enough athletics, we partner with top coaches and professional instructors from highly regarded clinics:
Soccer Shots, which also will be leading this sport for all ages during regularly scheduled program time, focuses on individual skills, fitness, and sportsmanship. Children are introduced to competition in a developmentally appropriate manner, and they are challenged through fun games, high level skills, and team interaction.
New York Empire Baseball is at camp full time with high level instruction for older campers during electives. They provide the perfect combination of engaging instruction and fun competition. The organization (which includes former baseball players!) shares the Coleman Country philosophy of competition:
The coaches’ priority is not to win a game. After safety, it is to train, prepare, motivate and inspire every player. Then, winning will be a product of that preparation and inspiration. We know that our young players will succeed and fail, and we want them to learn from every experience. Our focus on process over outcome is at the heart of everything we do.”
Level Up Basketball’s Jesse and Trevor are athletes in residence all summer, leading skills clinics and fun games, right alongside character development emphasis and a healthy out-of-school attitude on the courts.
Of course, sports is not the priority for every child. Some will take advantage of X-Factor time to pursue cutting-edge technology with STEM options, while others will take to the stage for acapella or theater or fine arts concentration. Artist-in-residence Maria inspires some campers to design stage sets or to leave their creative marks on The Ranch walls, painting murals together.
Whatever the area of concentration, X marks the spot!
- A capella
- Archery
- Arts & Crafts
- Baseball/Softball
- Basketball
- Challenge Course
- Computers
- Dance
- Drama
- Flag Football
- GaGa
- Gymnastics
- Mural Making
- Nature
- Soccer
- Tennis
- Ultimate Frisbee
- Woodworking