Partners in Parenting
Keeping Up With Coleman Country
Parents, we want you to know that we’re on your team! Our goal is to create the best possible camp experience for your child (and for you). We strive each day to develop stronger, more caring, and more competent children. Coleman Country is a special place where each child can laugh, learn, and love (feel a true sense of belonging). You and we support each other in these mutual goals and realize a shared vision; we treat each child as if they were our own. And we bring a multi-generational flavor to this family-aligned connection.
Communication is the touchstone of our pledge. Throughout the pre-camp season, your family will receive detailed information about what to expect during the summer. We also will ask you to provide a thorough description of your child so we can meet your camper’s individual needs. During the summer, we are never be more than a phone call away.
ColemanTown is a one-way, password-protected window into the world of Coleman Country. Designed to give family and selected friends a peek into life on The Ranch, the site — a virtual town though not quite the country itself! — is loaded with photos, news stories, blogs, and video depicting the glorious, non-stop, daily fun. Together, the photos tell the stories of the day, oftentimes starring your own child!
As you peruse ColemanTown, you can mark pictures to be placed in a personal album. When the summer is complete, your album will be, too. There is no charge for this service or for printing out photos, which you can do at any time. The bonus? We have face recognition, so you can bypass the treasure trove of snaps and view only those that feature or include your child.
We publish videos of our exhilarating special events and a periodic newsletter, the Chronicle. You’ll hear from us with explanations of traditions that occur on The Ranch, as well as first-hand accounts of camper reactions to all our “stuff,” the ingredients of our wondrous brews!
Facebook and Instagram also keep you in the loop. Sometimes, we even give you ticklers suggesting conversational questions to prompt details from your camper. A Pioneer is likely to come home wearing a sticker that says, “Ask me about…”
With all these resources, you’ll practically feel like you are at camp! And you’ll always know what’s going on.